Senin, 04 April 2011

Breastfed babies the best food

ASI is one type of food that supply all elements of the baby's needs, whether physical, psychological, social and spiritual. And breast-feeding for 1 hour the first in his life to save 1 million lives a baby.

Why 1 hour first?
With regard to the importance of breastfeeding within the first 1 hour is recommended as soon as possible put the newborns in her chest and let it for 30-60 minutes. From skin to skin contact immediately after birth and suckle their own after the first hour of life is very important because in the first hour of baby found his mother's breast is the beginning of a life-sustaining breastfeeding relationship between mother and infant feeding.

Mom does not need to fear the baby will be cold, because when the baby was in the mother's chest, mother's chest will menstransfer warmth to the baby. However, the room temperature of not less than 27 o C, they will warm each other. Infants less stress, more calm, breathing and heart rate are more stable; baby get colostrum as the first drink, and touch the hands, mouth and the baby's head and sucking at the breast stimulates oxytocin production. Oxytocin causes uterine contractions and stimulates other hormones that cause women to feel happy and relaxed, and stimulate milk flow in breast into baby's mouth.

Why Exclusive breastfeeding?
Exclusive breastfeeding is breastfeeding as early as possible after delivery, provided no timetable and no other food is given, although only water until 6 months old baby.

ASI Stadium

One-stage breastfeed
Stage one breast milk is colostrum. Colostrum is the first liquid released / secreted by the breast glands in the first 4 days after delivery. Composition of colostrum milk after childbirth is changing. Colostrum golden brown caused by high fat composition and living cells. Colostrum is a laxative (colon cleanser baby) that cleans the intestinal mucosa mikonium so that newborns be clean and ready to receive breast milk. This causes the baby's frequent defecation and stool black. The amount of energy in the colostrum only 56 Cal / 100 ml of colostrum and on the first day babies need 20-30 CC.

Protein content in colostrum is higher than the protein content in mature milk, while a lower carbohydrate content than mature breast milk.

Two-stage breastfeed
ASI ASI is a transitional stage 2. This milk is produced on day 5 to day-to-10. total volume of milk increases but the composition of the lower protein, fat and carbohydrate while the higher, This is to meet the needs of infants because infants who began active activity and the baby had begun to adapt to the environment. At this time spending the milk becomes stable.

Three-stage breastfeed
Stage 3 breast milk is mature. Namely desekresi milk on the 10th day onwards. Mature breast milk is the baby's changing nutritional adjusted to 6 months of infant development. After 6 months babies begin to be introduced to foods other than breast milk.
Composition of nutrients in colostrum, milk and PASI

The content of nutrients in colostrum, milk and PASI (substitute for breast milk) has a different composition. Protein content in colostrum is much higher than in breast milk. This benefits the newborn due to get a little colostrum he was getting enough protein to meet the needs of infants in the first week.

Karbihdrat form of lactose in milk whose numbers vary each day according to the needs of the baby's growth. The ratio of the amount of lactose in milk and PASI is 7:4 so the milk taste sweeter than the PASI. This leads to babies who are familiar with both breast milk tend to not want to drink PASI. Thus, breastfeeding will be more successful. Carbohydrate in milk is an essential nutrient for the growth of brain nerve cells and providers of energy for nerve cells work. Also karhidrat facilitate the absorption of calcium to maintain bifidus factor in the gut (the factors that inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria and makes a good place for beneficial bacteria) and spending and accelerate antibody colostrum as the baby.

The protein in milk is lower than the PASI. However, milk protein is very suitable because the protein element in it is almost entirely absorbed by the system elements pencernan baby is whey protein. Comparison of elements of whey protein and casein milk adalam is 80:40, whereas in PASI 20:80. This means that only one-third protein in PASI milk proteins can be absorbed by the baby's digestive system and have to throw twice as many proteins are difficult absorbed. This is what allows the baby will often suffer from diarrhea and defecation with stool-shaped bean chili that indicate food difficult to be absorbed if the baby is given PASI.

Levels of fat in milk at first low and then increased in number. Changing levels of fat in breast milk every time smoked by a baby and this happens automatically. Composition of fat in the first five minutes of sucking will differ by 10 minutes later, the levels of different fats on the first day with the second day and will continue to change according to infant development and energy needs required. This type of fat that exist in breast milk contains long chain fatty tissue cells needed by the brain and is very easy to digest because it contains lipase. Fats in the form of Omega 3, Omega 6, and DHA which is indispensable for the growth of brain tissue cells. Formula milk does not contain enzymes, because enzymes would be easily damaged when heated. In the absence of enzyme, the baby will be difficult to absorb fat PASI causing the baby more prone to diarrhea. The amount of linoleic acid in milk is very high and perbandinganya with PASI namely: 6:1. Linoleic acid is a type of fatty acids that can not be made by the body that serves to spur the development of infant brain nerve cells.

Breast milk contains a complete mineral despite relatively low levels, but may be sufficient for infants to age 6 months. Iron and calcium in milk is a mineral that is very stable and easily absorbed and the amount is not influenced by maternal diet. In the PASI high amount of mineral content, but most can not absorb this will aggravate the bowel work as well as disrupting the balance in the infant gut and increase the growth of harmful bacteria that cause intestinal contractions the baby is not normal. Babies will kambung, restless because obstipasi or metabolic disorder.

Breast milk contains the complete vitamin that can meet the needs of babies up to 6 months except for vitamin K, because the newborn gut has not been able to make vitamin K.
Asi baby food. Much needed baby food is breast milk. Not the other food.

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